January 06, 2006 | 05:48 PM
Impeach Vermont District Court Judge Edward Cashman
District Court Judge Edward Cashman of Vermont is allowing a child rapist who confessed to repeatedly raping a girl over a four-year period to go free in 60 days.
At the sentencing phase of the criminal proceedings, Judge Cashman argued against prosecutors who asserted that Mark Hulett deserved eight to 20 years in prison for raping the girl since she was six years old.
Judge Cashman, claiming that he no longer believes in punishment, lectured the packed courtroom mostly made up of family and friends of the victim: "The one message I want to get through is that anger doesn't solve anything. It just corrodes your soul." Cashman stated that a lengthy prison term "will accomplish nothing but to harden this fellow," citing that the man needs treatment instead of punishment for his crimes.
Prior to the decision, Deputy Prosecutor Nicole Andreson argued punishment "is a valid purpose."
The decision by Judge Cashman to allow this child rapist to essentially go free is inexcusable. The judge's confessed belief of no longer desiring to administer justice, accompanied by his actions in this case, are sufficient grounds for impeachment. A judge who does not believe in punishment is a judge who is a danger to all people.
Judge Cashman's sentence sends a clear message to those who desire to rape children, which is, "Go ahead and I'll make sure you get out in no time."
Under the Vermont Constitution, the legislature has the ability to impeach judges. Therefore, please contact Vermont's House of Representatives at (802) 828-2228, ask to speak with a state representative, and encourage the representative to take the necessary steps to have Judge Edward Cashman impeached. Additionally, contact the prosecutor assigned to the case, Nicole Andreson, at (802) 863-2865 and exhort her to file an appeal, which must be done within seven days.
Judge Cashman was appointed by former Republican Governor Richard Snelling (now deceased) on January 26, 1982. His current term ends on March 31, 2007 at which time he could be retained. Please call his office at (802) 651-1950, ask to speak to court manager Chris Brock, voice your opposition to the decision, and kindly ask that she forwards the message to Judge Cashman.
"For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." (Romans 13:4)
I have found Judge Cashman's mailing address for anyone who cares to write to him as I did.
Honorable Edward J. Cashman
Addison District Court
7 Mahady Court
Middleburry, Vermont 05753
Posted by: Patricia A. Ferguson | January 11, 2006 04:50 AM
If this man is not impeached, then it will prove once and for all that the judges in America have hi-jacked the Constitution. Shame on the people of Vermont for allowing this to happen.
It has been proven over and over that child sex offenders such as this man cannot be rehabilitated. The madness in America has gone off the scale and common sense is nowhere to be found anymore.
Parents should lock up their daughters since this predator will soon be on the prowl again.
Posted by: Geert Laheye | January 20, 2006 11:42 AM
I want to thank Patricia A. Ferguson for Judge Cashman's address. I was finally able to write him. I don't know what good it will do but if more and more people bombard this jerk with letter upon letter, then maybe he will feel some sort of pressure.
Posted by: Debbie | January 24, 2006 04:20 PM
I really don't think that it is fair to say shame on the people of Vermont for letting this happen. The people living in Vermont, some being vermonters and some not, are NOT responsible for the choice that the ignorant Judge Cashman has made. We did not ask him to give that man 60 days. We do not support his decision, and we are just as upset as you are. We have little girls too and it was one of our own that will never get justice for the crime committed against her. Please don't blame Vermonters. ~Jeanna~
Posted by: Jeanna | January 25, 2006 02:03 PM
I was outraged by what I read about the sexual molester and the sentence he received. I work in a California prison and there is no rehabiliation for a child molester. I wonder... whomever made the decision that three years is a cure for a monster had better lock their children up at home. If it were the judge or someone in authority's child, I wonder what the sentence would be? Thanks for his address.
Posted by: Linda Jennings | January 27, 2006 11:24 PM
Yes, if you're reading these comments, take the time to leave your thoughts behind. American morals ARE disappearing and we (the voices) are the only means by which to save them. Violators of the law must be punished. If this judge wants this criminal rehabilitated, let him sit in a cell and let the inmates get a hold of him. I'm sure he'll have second thoughts when he does get out. Besides, God will probably use the jail time to try to change the molestor's heart anyway.
Posted by: tvperez | February 6, 2006 03:22 AM