fight for Terri Schindler-Schiavo's life
pray for Terri Schindler-Schiavo, the Flordia woman who
was ordered to be starved to death because of her disability.
Seven years ago, Terri collapsed and suffered brain damage,
causing her to need a feeding tube to live. However, she
is still awake, alert, and arouses to family member's voices.
Her husband and legal guardian, Michael Schiavo, wants her
dead so that he can marry his live-in girlfriend. Her parents
and family are continuing to fight for her life. Terri's
feeding tube was removed on October 15th. Her death by starvation
will be painful.
Gov. Jeb Bush at 850-488-7146 or 850-488-4441 and voice
your opposition to Terri's murder and insist that he intervene.