REPENT v. To sorrow or be pained for sin, as a violation of God's holy law, a dishonor to His character and government, and the foulest ingratitude to a Being of infinite benevolence.

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Letter from an Atheist

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"When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, just men who will rule in the fear of God. The preservation of a republican government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made not for the public good so much as for the selfish or local purposes; Corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws."

- Noah Webster (1832)


Michael Peroutka

Michael Peroutka is the Chairman of the Constitution Party of Maryland and a member of the Executive Committee of the Constitution Party National Committee, Founder of The Institute on the Constitution, and an attorney with Peroutka and Peroutka in Pasadena, Maryland. He is currently running for President of the United States. The theme of his presidential campaign is GOD, FAMILY, REPUBLIC.

Michael Marcavage
Michael Marcavage is a field preacher and the Director of Repent America, based in the birthplace of America, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Marcavage travels across the nation preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the open-air, and stands against government tyranny both nationally and locally. Repent America is CALLING A NATION IN REBELLION TOWARD GOD TO REPENTANCE.


MARCAVAGE: As the American people prepare to vote in the upcoming presidential election, our nation faces many serious problems, in which fear and uncertainty are evident. The majority of Americans are focused on George Bush and John Kerry, believing that one of these men will calm their fears and provide assurance in these troubled times. Therefore, I thank you for your willingness to share your beliefs, ideas, and policies, along with how you will implement your strategies should you become president.

PEROUTKA: My campaign themes are God: Family: Republic. If elected, I will, in my official capacity, acknowledge God, Defend the Family and Restore the American Constitutional Republic.

MARCAVAGE: Why did you decide to run for President?

PEROUTKA: I decided to run for President when I realized that someone should run who has an American view of Law and government – that Rights come from God, and that governments are instituted to secure those rights.

MARCAVAGE: The Office of the President has many responsibilities and is obviously challenging. What qualifications and experiences would you bring if elected?

PEROUTKA: According to Article II, section 1 of the Constitution of these United States, I am qualified as far as age, citizenship, place of birth, and number of years as a resident. Along with that, I am engaged in the Constitutionally authorized method of securing the required number of electoral votes. I also note lastly, not as an afterthought, but because it is less understood, I see myself as being qualified biblically for this office as one applies the corollary requirements for office in the Church found in 2 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5. I hope no one thinks I am putting this forward on my own authority, but my pastor and the members of my Church have affirmed these qualifications many times. Though humbled by all this, I am willing, and even anxious to fulfill whatever role God has for me as a civil magistrate.

MARCAVAGE: You have decided to run as a Constitution Party candidate. What initially drew you to the Constitution Party?

PEROUTKA: The Constitution Party is politically honest and genuinely tied directly to the will and wishes of our founding fathers as affirmed by the States. They, whether Christians or not, were greatly influenced by the Bible, and the laws God dictated for nations. As a Christian, this appeals to me. Who is wiser than God? The founding fathers gave due diligence to learning what was wise and good for the founding of a nation. Though the Constitution is not a sacred document, it is drawn from one, and the truths and wisdom of God permeate the original documents, just as the Christian religion directed much of their life.

As you read our platform, one thing you can be sure of: we were careful to make sure there is full conformity between it and what is authorized in the Constitution. It is not a living document in the sense that it is changing. But, its principles are easily applied to every aspect of government. Relevance is a matter of applying principles, not a matter of twisting a wax nose on the face of pragmatism. Read our platform. It is a beautiful thing.

MARCAVAGE: For so long, we have been in bondage to a two-party system. Generally, people refuse to even consider third party candidates, even if they are in agreement with everything the person stands for. The bondage has caused people to be directed into the practice of “voting for the lesser of two evils”. Why do you believe people have become this way?

PEROUTKA: The pulpits of America are generally so weak that the people of America have not heard or been taught that the lesser evils, as well as the larger evils, are still evil. We as citizens have also fallen for the gospel of pragmatism over principle. We think that we have to manipulate things, even to the point of making deals with devils, instead of trusting God for the results of faithful living and action. The sovereign God of the Universe says clearly that He is able to do all His holy will. We are to recognize his Lordship, and act (vote) accordingly. We also have been duped by the two parties now trying to control the political system, into thinking there are only two choices. We forget our history, if we ever knew it in the first place, and don’t remember that in the late 1850s the Republican Party was trying to displace the WHIG Party, and that not one candidate of the Republican Party had been elected to any office, not even so high an office as dog catcher. The mix of disinformation and historical ignorance, with pragmatism makes the hurdle very high for those who want to vote according to principle.

MARCAVAGE: The theme of your campaign is GOD, FAMILY, and the REPUBLIC. Why did you specifically choose this three part theme for your campaign?

PEROUTKA: One’s concept of God is of course the foundation of all, including how a nation is built and served. A believing people, following the triune God who is the only true God, will be a nation of righteous laws, truly representative government, involved citizenry, true patriotism, and an environment in which physical, intellectual, and spiritual prosperity can be achieved. God established the family as the basic foundational element of any culture. Without strong families there can be no strong, moral and just community. Because America’s families today are under constant attack by federally funded programs that are dangerous and unconstitutional I saw as this to be an essential element of my campaign. This will ring true and give hope to our families which are now being attacked by our government schools and government programs. It is also essential that we return to the practice of self-conscious representative government as intended by our founding fathers. The current movement toward mob rule (pure democracy) is disastrous to the future of this country. I intend to use the presidency as a teaching tool so that our people will know the precious but fragile form of government handed down to us by our founders.

MARCAVAGE: Many presidents, including George Bush, have stated that they believe in God. These men have mentioned God and Jesus Christ in their speeches, attended and spoke in church services, and quoted scripture publicly. This includes former president Bill Clinton, who even Billy Graham referred to as being a Christian in his autobiography, when he wrote, “[Bill Clinton]… has not always won the approval of his fellow Christians but who has in his heart a desire to serve God and do His will.” Your opponent, John Kerry, says that he believes in God and has spent time campaigning in churches. In addition, President Bush has not only referred to God in his speeches, but also to Allah, quoting from the Koran and calling its teachings “good and peaceful”. With all of this confusion, can you please clarify the God you are you referring to?

PEROUTKA: I believe in the God who has revealed himself in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. He exists from eternity to eternity. There never was a time when He did not exist. He is the one God who exists in trinity. God the Father anticipated salvation. God the Son, Jesus, accomplished salvation. God the Holy Spirit applies salvation to those as He brings regeneration, gives faith, and works repentance in the lives of those who are His. The Bible and the Bible alone is the ultimate and authoritative rule of faith and practice. As president, when I put my hand on the Bible to take the oath of office, I will mean what I’m saying and by God’s grace will be fully faithful to it.

MARCAVAGE: Jesus Christ said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Do you believe this? Have you personally put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ?

PEROUTKA: I absolutely believe this! Remember that Jesus didn’t tell us that He was the only way, the only truth, and the only way to have life in order to exclude us from having them. He is revealing the ONLY place they can be found. Jesus is calling us to Himself, as the One who so gladly gave eternal life so that we will not follow any of the other roads, all of which He knows end in destruction.

I gladly affirm that all of my confidence for entering heaven is found completely and only in the finished work of Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect life meriting God’s favor and He died an undeserved death so that as my Savior His merit is imputed to my account, and my sins are washed away by His blood. Praise be to my lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

MARCAVAGE: There are many Christians who have excused President Bush’s pattern of ungodly behavior. After Bush confessed he believed that Christians and Muslims worship the same God, Richard Land, president of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, stated, “We should always remember that he is Commander-in-Chief, not theologian-in-chief. And when he says that he believes that Muslims and Christians worship the same God, he is simply mistaken." It is amazing to me that someone who is the president of the United States, and who confesses Christ, does not know that Muslims do not worship the God of the Bible. What are your thoughts on this?

PEROUTKA: A man may not be “theologian-in-chief” but every man is a theologian – either a good one or a bad one. Every man has a theology, and he lives it and he expresses it, even if he hasn’t codified it formally. God has made the world a certain way. To make theological statements we need a source outside of ourselves from which we get information we cannot otherwise know. And don’t ever doubt that saying Christianity and Islam have the same object of worship is a theological statement – a wrong one, that interestingly disagrees with both the Bible and the Koran. They both would agree that we don’t worship the same God, though the Koran is in absolute error on whom we are to worship and how that worship is to be offered. Only the Scriptures of the Old along with the New Testaments is an accurate, authoritative, and fully sufficient revelation of these truths. I’m afraid that our current President, needs to do more Bible study.

MARCAVAGE: In 2 Samuel 23:2, the Lord said to David, “…He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” If you were to be elected president, what role would Christ play in your decision-making?

PEROUTKA: I would be a Christian president. I would publicly speak of Christ with personal affection. I am a Christian. That is what I am with every fiber of my being. I realize that I am not being elected to evangelize America. That is not in the job description for a president according to the Bible or the Constitution. But, the people will elect me knowing that I am a Christian and I could no more lay that aside and operate as though Jesus is Lord of everything except me and my office than I could stop being a male, or a husband, or a father. I do fear God, and that fear of God and my Christianity will make me a better, more trustworthy, kind, and wise civil magistrate. I have learned a great deal of Scripture by studying the founding documents of our great nation. It is amazing that so much wisdom was directly drawn for the Bible with the purpose of honoring Jesus Christ. I would do the same. I’m not alone in this view. George Washington on September 17, 1796 said, “Let it simply be asked, Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” I couldn’t agree more.

MARCAVAGE: The second theme of your campaign is FAMILY. Please tell me about your family and how they have influenced you in your decision to become a presidential candidate.

PEROUTKA: I am happily married to the most wonderful woman and we have three precious children. This campaign is plowing new ground for us all, and it is not easy ground I’ll tell you. But, we all agree that this is my calling at this point in space and time and their encouragement and support have been wonderful.

MARCAVAGE: With the divorce rate at fifty percent, single parents, homosexuals adopting children, and broken families all around us, the American family is being destroyed. What would you do as president to help save the American family?

PEROUTKA: What comes with the office of the presidency being so public is the fact that my own family will be a good or a bad example to the nation. But, you’ve got to be careful to remember that even as president you are just a man under authority. I would speak to issues and lead an upright public life with my family, but I would only support legislation that is authorized by our Constitution. The flip side of that coin means that I would actively seek to overturn all current legislation that isn’t authorized by the Constitution. There would be no civil legislation to define marriage. It is already defined in the Bible and I would take an active role in opposing any other definition. But, it is not within the jurisdiction of the Presidency to intrude into the sphere of the family beyond the provisions authorized by the Constitution. But, in an American form of government, "all laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury v. Madison. Most certainly, anti-Constitutional court decisions are not binding. So, when it comes to the abortion issue, I would exercise all authority within my power to assure the Constitutional guarantees to life with no abridgement apart from due process of law. All unauthorized protections for the abortion industry and the abortionist would be abolished on my first day in office. I would mobilize every Constitutionally authorized asset at my disposal against this deadly attack on our pre-born citizens. And as far as funding the UN and planned barrenhood, it would cease within an hour of my taking office. In fact, I would take the oath of office and within seconds have the Chief Justice hold the Bible for me to bear down on as I signed orders to stop abortion funding and re-establish States rights in these matters. I would advocate a total ban on all abortions and a total ban on any federal funding of abortions, here or abroad. As President, I would do everything in my power to end the national disgrace of abortion, starting with a formal acknowledgment of the legal person-hood of every child from the moment of conception. I would appoint U.S. Attorneys – by recess appointment if necessary – who will secure the right to life of the unborn.

Finally, to your question about sodomite marriage: There is no such thing, and no matter how many times people say there is, it doesn’t make it true. Sodomites need to be pitied and prayed for as well as protected from themselves by re-establishing the States’ laws forbidding such perversion. Don’t ever think that homosexuals don’t reproduce. They reproduce through political pressure, manipulation of our educational system, and lying to the general public about it being hereditary instead of a choice. This is a perversion that needs to be exposed for what it truly is and I will speak very clearly to this scourge on our nation.

MARCAVAGE: President Bush was the first ever Republican president to appoint an open homosexual to public office, and has also sent a homosexual, along with his male lover, to represent America as an ambassador to Romania. In his time as president, he has appointed more homosexuals into high office then Bill Clinton. From giving death benefits to homosexuals to praising the homosexual Metropolitan Community churches by declaring, “…churches like yours put hope in people's hearts and a sense of purpose in their lives," Bush appears to be clearly supporting the homosexual agenda. What are your thoughts on these actions by the president?

PEROUTKA: The homosexual agenda has done as much to undermine the foundation of this nation as anything other than the pro-abortion agenda. Homosexuality is a sad and shameful trap that many Americans are in because we have made it acceptable, easy and legally protected to participate in this death-style. It is an embarrassment that America sends sodomites to represent us. A sodomite may be able to represent Mr. Bush’s views but those views will have no safe place in a Peroutka Whitehouse. I will seek to protect any and every man’s civil rights under the law. But, the State’s will be allowed to prosecute those engaged in the act of sodomy as they were able to before the Federal government stripped away States rights in this area. The ‘civil union’ idea is just another scam for those who want to buy votes with your tax dollars and exercise unlawful authority over private insurance industries and other providers of services for families. Bush wants to be re-elected and his catering to what he knows to be repulsive is pandering for votes.

MARCAVAGE: First came the “homosexual marriage” crisis in California, and then came Massachusetts’ "legalization of homosexual marriage”. Many believe that we need a federal marriage amendment to stop the legalization of “homosexual marriage”. What are your thoughts on a ‘marriage amendment’, and if elected president, what would you do to turn the tide of “homosexual marriage” from becoming legal in other states, if not all states?

PEROUTKA: First, we do not support any sodomy-based policy, let alone marriage, but the Federal Marriage Amendment is wholly unnecessary, dangerous and inappropriate. If the Supreme Court can ignore the First and Second Amendments with impunity, what is to lead me to believe they would remain obedient to another Amendment appended to the Constitution? In addition, it puts the basic Godly institution of marriage under the authority, and therefore the governance, of the Federal Government to define, refine, direct and wholly pervert.

So, you inquire, what is my solution? The federal government has an obligation under Article IV §4 to ensure to each member State that it, and every other member State, will be Republican in form of government. Thus far, sodomy-based marriage has not been, and I expect never will be, enacted in proper republican fashion. Rather, it has been, and will be, imposed by judicial fiat. Such an action is not republican in form, and will be utterly resisted to the grave if necessary under a Peroutka Presidency. The obligation of the Full Faith and Credit clause of Article IV, §1 is to give full faith & credit to another member State's legitimate public Acts, Record and Judicial Proceedings. When a State, or Federal Judiciary oversteps its bounds, that Proceeding will be ignored.

Finally, ask yourself, who is the definer of marriage? Certainly it is not the United States government, nor even the State government. The author and perfector of Marriage is none other than the LORD Almighty.

MARCAVAGE: As we are both grievously aware, thousands of innocent children continue to be killed daily at the hands of abortionists. In the past 31 years, approximately 45 million babies in our nation alone have been murdered. The Scripture declares, “God hates…hands that shed innocent blood.” (Proverbs 6:16-17) These abortionists stop beating hearts and tear children limb from limb within the mother’s womb, all in the name of “choice”. We know that presidential candidate John Kerry advocates the killing of children, while President Bush has never been 100% pro-life to begin with by allowing for exceptions, and has done nothing to stop this holocaust taking place in our nation. He has stated, "I don't think the culture has changed to the extent that the American people or the Congress would totally ban abortions," and also insists that he does not have a pro-life litmus test for judicial appointees. While Governor of Texas, George W. Bush appointed pro-abortion justices to the Texas Supreme Court, and signed into law a resolution re-naming a highway in Houston after the notorious, late-term abortionist, John B. Coleman, who was killing babies prior to Roe vs. Wade.

Many will cite President Bush’s signing of the partial-birth abortion ban as evidence that he is pro-life, yet we know this will not save one single baby’s life since it only prohibits the method in which the abortion is performed. The method is simply altered and abortion remains legal up until birth, and most recently, the law has been struck down by courts as being "unconstitutional". How do you define your 100% pro-life position?

PEROUTKA: If elected I promise that abortion will end my first day in office.

As President, I would advocate a total ban on all abortions and a total ban on any federal funding of abortions, here or abroad.

As President, I would do everything in my power to end the national disgrace of abortion, starting with a formal acknowledgment of the legal person-hood of every child from the moment of conception. I would appoint U.S. Attorneys – by recess appointment if necessary – who will secure the right to life of the unborn.

It is, by the way, within the power of the President to end legal abortion tomorrow, as I would do my first day in office. Don't let alleged "pro-life" Presidents tell you differently. The President has an obligation under Article IV, §4 to ensure to each member State that it will be republican in form of government. Any action that is not republican in form will be utterly resisted to the grave if necessary under a Peroutka Presidency. Abortion was made "legal" (more correctly, the prosecution of abortion was made illegal) in these United States by judicial fiat, which is anti-republican in form and in violation of the Separation of Powers and Article I, §1 of the Constitution vesting all legislative power of the Federal Government in the Congress. In an American form of government, "all laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury v. Madison. Most certainly, anti-Constitutional court decisions are not binding.

Thus, under my presidency, Roe v. Wade will not be enforced, and the member states of the Union could again open their criminal codes and begin the prosecution of the doctors and parents who would contract for the murder of an unborn child without fear of reprisal from the Chief Executive. Federal prosecutors would be instructed, within the scope of their limited Constitutional authority, to investigate and prosecute those who have or provide abortions.

While no action of any President or any branch of government can actually stop a mother from murdering her child, I believe a significant chilling effect upon the murder of innocents can be achieved by a President who is determined and committed to do everything in his constitutional power to punish (or remove the barriers upon the states to punish) those who kill or those who aid or abet the killing of America’s precious children.

My point was, and is, that I am committed to stopping all abortion in America and would act accordingly, including cutting off unconstitutional funding for Planned Parenthood and other organizations which promote murder, the cessation of stem-cell research, and the distribution of RU-486.

I pledge to veto all funding for abortion, here or abroad.

MARCAVAGE: Recently, President Bush, endorsed very publicly, and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the re-election of pro-abortion, pro-homosexual Senator Arlen Specter. What does this say about Bush and the Republican Party?

PEROUTKA: You are right that Mr. Bush has sold out on those issues by supporting Mr. Specter, but that is not all that is wrong with this political prostitution by Mr. Bush. If Mr. Specter is reelected, he becomes the senior Senator chairing the Judicial committee. His pro-abortion, pro-sodomite, politics will become the acid test for those nominated to Federal judiciaries. This is a very dangerous endorsement by Mr. Bush. It shows how diametrically opposed to the Constitution Party's principles our president is.

MARCAVAGE: What did you think about this year’s Republican National Convention in New York City?

PEROUTKA: The RNC as was the DNC were substanceless sales pitches to a sleeping public. If you actually heard the speeches, most of them could have been easily given at either convention by only changing the names. George Bush and John Kerry are really the same person with the same politics just in different skin. We are so deluded as to what is legal and authorized by the Constitution that either party could have even allowed the protesters to come in from outside and speak on stage – with no substantive difference in the message. The message of all concerned was, the redistribution of wealth and “What more are you going to provide for me with confiscated tax dollars.” Our fore fathers would turn over in their graves if they could see the crimes shamelessly promised to be committed by those seeking our highest offices.

MARCAVAGE: In a declaration by Noah Webster, he exhorted people to vote for “just men who will rule in the fear of God.” This comes from 2 Samuel 23:2, when the Lord said to David, “…He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” Webster further stated that “the preservation of a republican government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty.” Concluding his exhortation with, “If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws.” What are your thoughts on Webster’s statement— do you believe that this speaks to our government’s current condition?

PEROUTKA: Mr. Webster got this exactly right. But the problem is with the pulpits of America, The Churches are not doing their job of properly interpreting and teaching the Bible. Irreligious men are necessarily bad men, and our government is full of them.

MARCAVAGE: Have we lost our republic?

PEROUTKA: Yes, but we have the men and the mechanism to restore it.

MARCAVAGE: How can our republican government be restored?

PEROUTKA: The answer to this is both simple and complex. It is as simple as saying, “abide by the Constitution of these United States.” It is as complex as actually doing so. We must discipline ourselves to live under and according to the laws authorized by the source and foundation of all laws in our land, the Constitution. The republic can be restored by a proper interpretation of the Constitution and those who do so keep their powers separate so that the checks and balances would be in place. The people of America would have to be taught a great deal about proper and legal government, because no one alive today in America has ever actually seen or experienced it. But, it can be done.

Think about the fact that the colonists had to accept and begin the implementation of a document they had barely seen without the structures and the background to get it off the ground. And yet, God helped them and we had a great republic which we can have again even better.

MARCAVAGE: What do you think about the president granting amnesty to an estimated 8 to 11 million illegal aliens currently working in the United States? President Bush stated that his plan "will make America a more compassionate, more human, and stronger country."

PEROUTKA: The Republican Party Platform that George Bush ran on called for a total overhaul of our immigration system and criticized the Clinton Administration for lax enforcement of our immigration laws. But, President Bush's recently announced so-called immigration reform does nothing to secure our borders. In fact, his suggested plan makes things worse — a lot worse and a lot more dangerous.

President Bush says his proposed program will offer legal status as temporary workers to the millions of illegal aliens now employed in our country who are breaking the law! This makes no sense at all. None.

Representative Tom Tancredo, a Republican from Colorado who is chairman of the 68-member House Immigration Caucus, has it right when he says this Bush proposal is dangerous because it offers additional incentives and rewards for illegal aliens while it gives only lip service to what is really important: border security. Tancredo points out that of the 37,000 non-Mexicans who illegally crossed our borders in 2002, more than 7,500 were from countries that are known to harbor terrorists. And, he notes, President Bush and his advisors are ignoring the fact that there was another amnesty program in 1986 which was a failure and only encouraged more illegal immigration.

Regardless of what President Bush says, his new program is a blanket amnesty for the 8 to 10 million illegal aliens who have broken into our country. It is, as Pat Buchanan says, a massive reward for law-breaking. It is a refusal to execute the laws of the United States — which he pledged to do when he swore, as President, to uphold our Constitution. And it is a blatant act of political pandering in an attempt to get the votes of Hispanics.

President Bush says our country needs an immigration system that, in his words, “serves the American economy and reflects the American dream.” This is true. But his new plan does neither. It does not benefit American workers to have illegal aliens taking jobs at lower wages, for which many of our people will not work. And it is more of a nightmare than a dream to advocate a plan that makes it legal for potential terrorists to stay in the United States.

As President, one of my top priorities would be to really secure our borders and deport all individuals who are here illegally.

MARCAVAGE: I must ask you about the war in Iraq, which is on the minds of so many Americans. There are those who are opposed to the war, while others believe that it is just. As with any war, the loss of life is expected, but certainly not welcomed. This war has claimed the lives of hundreds upon hundreds of Americans, and thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens, and there does not appear to be an end in sight. Was it right for us to go to war with Iraq?

PEROUTKA: I like President Bush personally. He is a sincere man. I respect his office. But, it is becoming painfully obvious that he has no plan to get our country out of the un-Constitutional, bloody, deadly mess going on in Iraq. In fact, Mr. Bush and John Kerry both favor putting more troops into Iraq. In his recent press conference, Mr. Bush said our troops would be in Iraq 'as long as necessary,' 'for a while,' until Iraq is 'a free country.' He said Iraqis would provide their own security 'eventually.' I strongly disagree. As President, I would move immediately to withdraw all our troops from Iraq in a way that would provide for the safety of those Iraqis who worked with us during this illegal, wrong-headed war.

I, like President Bush, hope that the Iraqi people, and all people, will be free from tyranny. But, unlike President Bush, I realize that, Constitutionally, as President, it would not be my job to use our military to spread 'freedom' everywhere in the world. Unlike President Bush, I, as President, would realize that I had been elected President of the United States, not President of the World.

In 1821, John Quincy Adams said, of America:

"She goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own."

But, ignoring Adams' wise advice, President Bush, using our military, has gone abroad and destroyed the monster Saddam Hussein who posed no threat to the vital national security interests of our country. The result: We are bogged down in a bloody and expensive mess with no end in sight. If elected President, however, I would move immediately to end our involvement in Iraq. I am not one who believes that when you are in a hole you should not be in, you should keep digging.

MARCAVAGE: Do you believe that any good will come from this war?


MARCAVAGE: As you are aware, George Bush and John Kerry are members of the unGodly Skull and Bones organization. In an interview with NBC television, Bush remarked, "It’s so secret, we can’t talk about," when he was asked about the fact that both he and John Kerry are members. The Skull and Bones have also been connected with Masonry. What are your thoughts on the involvement that many of our presidents have had/have with Masonry and secret societies?

PEROUTKA: I can’t speak about the secret society known as The Skull and Bones. It's so secret I don’t know anything about it and George nor John will tell me about it either. I have read about Freemasonry, and it is a non-Christian cult in which Christians who have true allegiance to Christ should not be involved.

MARCAVAGE: Are you or have you ever been a mason or member of a secret society?


MARCAVAGE: Where do you think America will find itself 10 years from now?

PEROUTKA: Lord willing, on the road to Constitutional recovery with many members of the Constitution Party holding offices all over the nation.

MARCAVAGE: Many will say that you are taking votes away from President Bush, and a vote for you is a wasted vote. Others fear having John Kerry as President; therefore, they refuse to even consider voting for you because they say you cannot win. What is it that you say to them— are there any words of comfort that you can provide to those that oppose you because of fear?

PEROUTKA: They should fear Mr. Bush being re-elected more than they should fear Mr. Kerry being elected. They really do have the same goals and ambitions for America, without due regard for the rule of Constitutional law. Bush will be able to have his illegal way unchecked by a Republican Congress where at least Kerry would have some resistance. America will not be quite as far down the socialist trail with Kerry as with Bush, though I admit that Kerry would want to take it further than does Bush at this time.

MARCAVAGE: I thank you for your time, and am certainly thankful that you are in this race for the presidency.

For more information, please visit: Michael Peroutka Presidential Candidate Website.

Please also visit:
Constitution Party National Website
Bush Revealed


"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14 KJV

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